Thursday, December 22, 2011

JoBlo Movie News Coverage: Day 1

Two bits of wonderful news, folks: Not only is Universal Home Entertainment finally bringing Steven Spielberg's Jaws to Blu-ray on August 14, 2012, but (brace yourselves) the film will remain unscathed by any after-the-fact alterations like the ones that plagued E.T. This means that we won't be seeing the legendary shark's teeth replaced with harmless walkie-talkies. Although to be honest, I would probably Netflix the hell out of that.

No details have been released as to what to except for special features, but it's probably safe to assume that we will at least get some nice retrospective documentaries, if not the exact ones found on the latest DVD version. Audio commentary is definitely not in the cards, since Spielberg refuses to make them.

So who's excited to be afraid of the water all over again, but this time in glorious 1080p?

Source: The Digital Bits


Earlier this week, fanboys rejoiced for the debut of the first full The Dark Knight Rises trailer. Then the geek-out continued with our first glimpse at The Hobbit. And now, for your viewing pleasure, I give you the official trailer (which at 1:10 is really more of a teaser) for Ridley Scott's Prometheus!

I don't know about everyone else, but I'd say that this glimpse into Scott's new vision of deep-space horror sits atop the heap of new trailers in terms of sheer awesomeness. While we don't get a bit of dialogue, what we do get is one gorgeously crafted visual after the next and a couple shots that guarantee Scott's return to the world of Space Jockeys and people screaming in spaceships.  
Check out the trailer below, or head on over to Apple to watch it in HD! 
Synopsis: "With 'Prometheus', Scott creates a groundbreaking mythology, in which a team of explorers discover a clue to the origins of mankind on Earth, leading them on a thrilling journey to the darkest corners of the universe. There, they must fight a terrifying battle to save the future of the human race."

Source: Apple 
Remember the uproar surrounding Warner Bros' proposed reboot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Despite Sarah Michelle Gellar and TV series creator Joss Whedon voicing disdain for the project, it looked as if the film was going to hit theaters regardless of who was angry.

But it tends to be difficult to get a movie on its feet without a writer. According to the Los Angeles Times, screenwriter Whit Anderson's script was rejected by the studio due to claims that "there just wasn’t enough on the page."

Now Warner Bros. is looking around for a new writer to bring into this mess project. I may be beating a dead horse here, but hopefully the powers that be will realize that this is one movie that simply shouldn't be made. And with such a furious backlash against anyone trying to tamper with the Buffy-verse, it might be a good idea for Warner Bros. to greenlight an...oh, I don't know...original script, perhaps?

Source: Los Angeles Times